The Emirates Scheme to Control Detergents No.3 , of the year 2014
UAE.S GSO 2059 Synthetic liquid detergents for Clothing and fabrics.
UAE .S GSO 2077 Colored textiles detergent-
UAE.S GSO 151 Synthetic Detergents–Detergents Powder
UAE.S GSO 1946 Synthetic Detergents for Kitchen
UAE.S GSO 1110 Sodium Bicarbonate
UAE.S GSO 528 Liquid chlorine
UAE.S GSO 884 Liquid Glass Cleaner
UAE.S GSO 461 Liquid Carpet Shampoos
UAE.S GSO 877 Soap Flakes
1. Application (Online / Manual).
2. Test Report from recognized laboratory as per the requirement of applicable standard for the product. 3. Declaration of Conformity by the Applicant on the Product(s) for Registration using the company’s Official Letterhead 4. Valid Industry/Trade License (For Companies within UAE) 5. Proof of Exclusive Distributorship form the manufacturer in case the applicant is a trader or an agent. 6. Controlled Copy of relevant QMS Manual and any Good Manufacturing practice (Soft Copy/in CD/DVD) 7. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 8. Product Label. 9. Fees