UAE Scheme to control halal products, no. 10 of 2014

UAE.S /GSO 16942007 General Principles of Food Hygiene/

UAE S. GSO 211984 Hygienic Regulations For Food Plants And Their Personnel

UAE.S GSO 713 1997 Hygienic Regulations For Poultry Processing Abattoirs And Their Personnel

UAE.S GSO 993 1998 Animal Slaughtering Requirements according to Islamic Law

HALAL products

  1. Application form (Online)
  2. Declaration of conformity by the applicant of the products for registration using the company official letter head.
  3. Valid industry/Trade license (For companies within UAE)
  4. Certificate of export and or authenticated free sales certificate from the country of origin
  5. Product composition & Ingredients concentration report issued by the manufacturer
  6. Documented proof of using any of the internationally accepted quality management system, in addition to any of the product safety management system, or good manufacturing practice (GMP) as per UAE.S GSO 22716 or any other GMP approved by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) related to the Halal product that globally applicable and acceptable to the authority.
  7. Test report from recognized laboratory (accredited ISO 17025) as per the requirement of applicable UAE.S GSO standard of the product.
  8. Facility Map / Factory Lay out / Farm Map standards for the product.
  9. Label artwork (Artwork of the product)
  10. Table of finished/Raw materials
  11. Copy of halal certificate of ingredients/raw materials or copy of product specification or any other claims
  12. Brief description of manufacturing process flow chart & plant equipment lay out in the form of a Halal system plan (HSP)
  13. Certificate of raw materials & packaging materials from the suppliers ensuring their Halal origin
  14. Fees
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